The website has men who have sex with other men as the main target group and is part of RFSL Counseling Skåne's health work. and CheckPoint Skåne are two of RFSL Counseling Skåne’s projects aimed at preventing HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
We target especially at risk; gay, bisexual men and transgender people. Men who have sex with men (msm) are the group in Skåne where the proportion of HIV positive is highest, the same is true in the Copenhagen area. This means that msm is the most important target group for reducing the spread of HIV in our part of the world.
In our work, we want to give the individual the tools to create their own safer sex strategy regardless of HIV status. Sexual encounters are so much more in people’s lives than viruses and bacteria. We want to contribute to the best possible sex life with the least reasonable risk.
The website is developed with financial support from the state grant, Action against HIV / AIDS and other communicable diseases , which aims to achieve the goals of the national strategy against HIV / AIDS and certain other communicable diseases (Prop. 2005 / 06:60).