With us you can be tested quickly, anonymously & free. For gays, bi guys and transgender people who have sex with men.
At CheckPoint Skåne we carry out tests with fast results. The test uses a small drop of blood from a finger. You are always treated anonymously and with respect for who you are. You can ask any questions you may have about the risk levels of your own sex life. You get the result of the test within a few minutes. The test gives a reliable result 8 weeks after you were exposed to any risk.
At CheckPoint Skåne we carry out HIV and syphilis tests with fast results. We also offer a self testing-kit for chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasma and trichomonas. Carry out the test at home and post it to the laboratory.
Our target group is gays, bi guys and transgender people who have sex with men.
In Sweden, HIV is 80 times more common among men who have sex with men compared to the population at large. At many of our most popular holiday destinations, HIV is even more common. Although many use condoms during anal intercourse, sometimes condoms are not used or things don’t go as planned.
The group of people newly infected with syphilis is largely dominated by men who have sex with men. Many get infected during visits to other countries.
HIV is an infection that is easy to treat. It is advantageous to be treated early. For most people it means living as long as someone without HIV. With the proper treatment, the risk of spreading the infection to others is reduced to zero.
At CheckPoint Skåne we offer both HIV and syphilis tests with fast results. HIV treatment works so well that sickness is prevented. For syphilis the treatment is curative. It is important to detect both the infections as soon as possible.
You decide how often you wish to test for HIV and syphilis. It depends on your sex life. We recommend being tested at least once a year, but for many it may be wise to consider testing every three or six months.
If the test shows an indication for HIV, you will be offered a follow-up appointment at the infection clinic for a confirmatory test and get the opportunity to receive treatment. We collaborate with healthcare services and you will be offered an appointment without delay. We can offer you continued support with our counsellors, if you wish.
If the syphilis test shows that you have anti-bodies in your blood, you will be offered a follow-up test within healthcare services. This determines whether it is a current syphilis infection or not.
The simplest and easiest thing is to come to our drop-in teception on Tuesdays between 17-19, except public holidays. You don’t need to book an appointment, just come here. You can find us at Drottninggatan 36 in Malmö.
We also offer appointments during the day. It is also possible to book an appointment for advice without a test.
Would you like a reminder of your next test? We offer an SMS reminder service that you can sign up to!